Just run advent.rkt in drracket, the development environment for Racket, a wel-known dialct of Scheme. advent.rkt requires game.rkt, so have both of them in the same current directory. The code occsionally uses the parendown package; use the drracket menu item for installing packages to install it. NOTE:There are very few places where the parendown is used; instead, you can replace things like ( fff hhh #/ eee ggg) by (fff hhh ( eee ggg )). parendown is just a syntax hack to reduce close-parnthesis pileups. The game is probaby not worth playing. You can respone to the doorbell, but the game ends before you get to open the door. I got sick an didn't even manage to put all the pieces I wrote together. (I'm better now -- no need for get well cards) -- hendrik )